So how do they occur?
First of all, it helps to know a little about plate tectonics. The idea being that the earth's crust is divided into plates that move together and apart in different parts of the world. At transform boundaries two plates move against each other, building up tension, then releasing the tension in a sudden and often violent jerk. This sudden jerk creates an earthquake.
To help you understand further imagine holding a pencil horizontally. If you were to apply a force to both ends of the pencil by pushing down on them, you would see the pencil bend. After enough force was applied, the pencil would break in the middle, releasing the stress you have put on it. The Earth's crust acts in the same way. As the plates move they put forces on themselves and each other. When the force is large enough, the crust is forced to break. When the break occurs, the stress is released as energy which moves through the Earth in the form of waves, which we feel and call an earthquake.
1. Equal pressure is applied to both ends of the pencil | 2. This pressure causes the pencil to bend as pressure builds up. | 3. After a while the pencil, which is a solid, cannot bend further and it snaps! You hear this as a sound wave which travels to your ears. This release of energy is similar to what happens in an earthquake. |
Di minggu pertama Syawal ini telah terjadi tiga kejadian malapetaka yang besar-besar supaya mengingatkan kita kekuasaan Allah.
Pertama kejadian taufan Ketsana yang melanda Filipina yang menjadikan mangsa taufan tersebut mencecah 2.2 juta orang dan setakat ini, taufan itu telah mengorbankan sekurang-kurangnya beartus orang dan angka kematian dijangka meningkat lagi berikutan ramai mangsa yang masih hilang.
Selepas itu kejadian Tsunami yang melanda Samoa, Amerika. Beratus orang telah disahkan mati aibat kejadian itu.
2 hari lepas, kita digegarkan lagi dengan berita gempa bumi di Padang. Gempa bumi kuat yang berlaku berhampiran bandar Padang di Sumatera semalam sudah meragut seribu nyawa dengan ribuan lagi mangsa tertimbus di bawah runtuhan.
Kita yang di Malaysia ini sentiasa lah beringat kerana selain kejadian-kejadian tu berlaku di sekeling kita , bila-bila pun boleh berlaku di Malaysia juga.